How to Celebrate International Women’s Day in 2024

how to celebrate international women's day in 2024
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Every year on March 8th, the world celebrates International Women’s Day.* It’s a day to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women around the world. But why is International Women’s Day celebrated, and how did it begin? In this blog we’re covering everything you need to know about International Women’s Day. We’re also sharing some creative ways to celebrate this day and show your appreciation for the women in your life. But before we get started, let’s first take a look at the history behind this special day.  

How Did International Women’s Day Begin?

International Women’s Day began in the early 1900s when women worldwide began advocating for equal rights. In 1908, 15,000 women gathered in New York City, demanding better wages and working conditions, while fighting for voting rights. This event inspired many similar protests around the globe leading to an annual international celebration of women’s rights. Today, we know it as International Women’s Day.  

Why Do We Celebrate Women’s Day?

We celebrate International Women’s Day for many reasons. This day reminds us to recognize the achievements and contributions of women to society. It also raises awareness about gender equality, and promotes women’s rights.

What is the Theme for International Women’s Day 2024?

In 1975, the United Nations (UN) recognized International Women’s Day. Since then, the UN has chosen various themes each year to mark IWD. Themes have included “Equality For All”, “Cracking the Code: Innovation for a Gender Equal Future”, and more. This year’s theme is “Breaking the Bias,” focusing on challenging stereotypes, fighting discrimination, and celebrating women’s achievements. This theme focuses on the importance of recognizing and addressing the biases that exist in our society, whether conscious or unconscious.

how can I celebrate international women's day?
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How Can I Celebrate International Women’s Day?

Now that you have some background on International Women’s Day, let’s cover some ideas for how you can celebrate and show your appreciation for the women in your life. After all, this day is about celebrating and showing our appreciation for all of the strong and inspiring women in our lives – from mothers and sisters to friends, colleagues, mentors, and more! So if you’re looking for more ways to do this, keep reading for a few ideas to consider. 

Acknowledge The Women in Our Lives 

One of the simplest, most meaningful ways to show appreciation for the women in our lives is by thanking them. Send a kind message or letter expressing your gratitude, buy a small gift, or tell them how much they mean to you. This could be as simple as making dinner for your mom or taking your grandma out for a movie night. Even offering to babysit your sister’s kids so she can have some time off can be a great way of showing your gratitude! 

What Are Some Women’s Day Gift Ideas?

There are tons of great ideas at a variety of price points for the special woman in your life. Consider gifts such as flowers, chocolates, books by female authors, or making a donation to a women’s charity. Even spending quality time with the women in your life and showing appreciation for all they do is a priceless gift.

Support Women-Owned Businesses 

Another great way to show your support for the women in your life is to buy from female-owned businesses. From local stores to online boutiques, there are plenty of amazing and unique products that are produced by or for women. Shopping from these businesses will not only help support female entrepreneurs but also promote gender equality. Plus, you can find some really great items to treat yourself to or a remarkable woman in your life! Don’t forget to lend even more support by posting about their business on social media for more visibility. Check out the website Buy Women Owned to help you get started!*

women's day
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Start A Conversation About Women’s Issues 

International Women’s Day is not just about celebrating the achievements of women—it’s also about taking action to improve gender equality. One way to do this is by raising awareness and starting conversations about women’s issues. Topics could include economic empowerment, education, health care access, and equal pay. The more we talk about these issues, the more likely it is that real change can occur. 

Donate To Charities & Organizations 

If you are looking for a more meaningful way to celebrate International Women’s Day, why not consider donating to charities or organizations that support women and girls? Organizations such as UN Women, The Malala Fund, Girls Who Code, and others focus on empowering women and girls in different ways.* By donating to these organizations, you can help provide them with the resources they need to continue their work for gender equality. 

Volunteer Your Time & Skills 

Volunteering is a great way to show your support for International Women’s Day. Reach out to local charities or organizations and offer your time or skills. This could be anything from providing administrative help in the office to teaching a class, organizing an event, or even just lending an ear to someone who needs it. By volunteering, you can help to create positive change and make a real difference in the lives of women and girls.

For example, women’s shelters are always in need of help. You could be the real difference in somebody’s life as they try to get back on their feet. Maybe you can help with their interviewing skills or provide a gently used suit for their next interview. Whatever you decide, remember to lift other women up. 

Plan An Event To Celebrate Women 

Finally, why not plan a special event to celebrate International Women’s Day? Have everyone gather virtually or in person and share stories about the inspiring women in their lives. You could also watch documentaries, read books, or listen to podcasts that feature female leaders and activists.

International Women’s Day is a time to celebrate the achievements of women, while also recognizing the work that still needs to be done to achieve true gender equality. By breaking the bias, celebrating women’s achievements, and taking action for gender equality, we can work towards a more inclusive and equal society for all. It’s important that we use this day not only to celebrate women but also to thank them for their contributions by showing our appreciation through small acts of kindness! So, take some time today to acknowledge all those incredible women who have shaped you into who you are today.

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