How to Celebrate World Chocolate Day in 2023

world chocolate day
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Every July 7th, we celebrate World Chocolate Day, an annual celebration dedicated to one of the most beloved treats in the word: chocolate. It’s a day to honor the rich history, irresistible flavors, and sheer joy that chocolate brings to our lives. At the end, we’ll also share with you an easy and cost-effective recipe for Chocolate Bonbons. So, keep reading for everything you need to know about chocolate.

A Brief History of Chocolate 

Chocolate has a fascinating history that dates back thousands of years. Originating from the cacao tree, ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica, such as the Mayans and Aztecs were the first to cultivate the plant.* They thought of cacao as a sacred plant and used it to make a bitter beverage known as “xocoatl,” often reserved for special occasions.*  

The introduction of chocolate to Europe occurred during the 16th century when Spanish explorers brought it back from their journeys. Over time, the taste and preparation of chocolate evolved, creating solid chocolate bars and various confections that we enjoy today.  

Types of Chocolate:  

Chocolate comes in numerous forms, each with unique characteristics. Here are some popular varieties:  

  • Dark Chocolate: dark chocolate is rich and indulgent, containing a high percentage of cocoa solids that provide a bittersweet taste. Known for having potential health benefits, those with a sophisticated palate often enjoy chocolate. 
  • Milk Chocolate: Smooth, creamy, and sweet; milk chocolate is made by adding milk powder or condensed milk to the cocoa mixture. It’s widely loved and appeals to both young and old alike.  
  • White Chocolate: Although technically not chocolate, as it doesn’t contain cocoa solids, white chocolate is made from cocoa butter, sugar, and milk solids. It has a sweet flavor and a creamy texture that melts in your mouth.  
  • Flavored Chocolate: Chocolate can be infused with various flavors and ingredients, such as nuts, fruits, spices, or even chili. These combinations add a surprising twist to traditional chocolate and appeal to diverse tastes.  
world chocolate day
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Homemade Chocolate Bonbons   

When translated from French to English, Bonbon or Bon Bon means a piece of candy, especially one covered with chocolate. Below is a super quick and easy recipe for homemade chocolate bonbons. Let’s get started!


For the filling:  

  • 1 cup chocolate (dark, milk, or white), finely chopped  
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream  
  • 2 tablespoons butter  
  • Optional: flavorings such as vanilla extract, liqueur, or spices (e.g., peppermint extract, orange zest, rum, etc.)  

For the chocolate coating:  

  • 2 cups chocolate (dark, milk, or white), finely chopped  
  • Optional: additional toppings like crushed nuts, sprinkles, cocoa powder, etc.  


Prepare your filling:  

  1. First, you’ll need to place the chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl.  
  1. In a small saucepan, heat the heavy cream over medium heat until it starts to simmer. Remove from heat immediately as you do not want the cream to boil.  
  1. Carefully pour the hot cream over the chopped chocolate and let it sit for a minute to melt the chocolate.  
  1. Gently whisk the mixture together, starting from the center of the bowl and slowly working your way out until the chocolate is completely melted and smooth.  
  1. Add the butter and desired flavorings (e.g., vanilla extract, liqueur, spices) to the chocolate mixture. Whisk until well combined.  
  1. Let the mixture cool to room temperature, and then you can cover it and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until firm.  

Shape your bonbons:  

  1. Once the filling is firm, line a baking sheet with parchment paper.  
  1. Use a small spoon or a melon baller to scoop out small portions of the filling.  
  1. Roll each portion into a smooth ball using your hands.  
  1. Place the formed bonbons on the prepared baking sheet.  
  1. Once all the bonbons are shaped, return them to the refrigerator to chill while preparing the chocolate coating.  

Coat the bonbons:  

  1. While the bonbons are chilling, work on the coating. In a heatproof bowl, melt the chocolate for the coating using a double boiler or if easier, you can microwave in short intervals, stirring frequently to avoid overheating.  
  1. Once the chocolate is melted and smooth, remove the bonbons from the refrigerator, once the chocolate is melted and smooth.  
  1. Use a fork or chocolate dipping tool to dip each bonbon into the melted chocolate, making sure it is fully coated.  
  1. Lift the coated bonbon out of the chocolate, allowing any extra chocolate to drip off.  
  1. Place the coated bonbon back onto the parchment-lined baking sheet.  
  1. Optional: If you like toppings, you can sprinkle crushed nuts, sprinkles, or dust with cocoa powder immediately after coating each bonbon.  
  1. Then repeat the coating process until all the bonbons are coated.  
  1. Let the bonbons sit at room temperature until the chocolate coating is set and firm.  

Serve and store:  

Once the chocolate coating has hardened, your bonbons are ready to be enjoyed!  

You can serve them as a delightful treat or pack them into gift boxes for special occasions.  

Store the chocolate bonbons in an airtight container at a cool room temperature or in the refrigerator, depending on your preference. They should last for about a week.  

Note: Feel free to experiment with different fillings and coatings to create a variety of flavors. You can also try different shapes, such as using molds or adding fillings like nuts, caramel, or fruit preserves to the center of the bonbons.  

 Other Ways to Celebrate:  

  • Explore Chocolate Pairings: Chocolate pairs wonderfully with a wide range of flavors. Experiment by pairing it with fruits like strawberries or oranges, nuts like almonds or hazelnuts, or even a dash of sea salt. The combination of tastes will surprise and delight your palate.  
  • Share the Joy: Spread the happiness of World Chocolate Day by gifting chocolates to friends, family, or colleagues. A small box of chocolates can bring smiles and create memorable moments of sweetness and togetherness.  
  • Learn About Chocolate: Take some time to delve into chocolate’s history, production process, and cultural significance. There are documentaries, books, and online resources that can help you uncover the fascinating world behind this beloved treat. 

World Chocolate Day is an opportunity to celebrate the wonder and delight that chocolate brings to our lives. Whether you enjoy it in its purest form or as part of a delectable dessert, chocolate uniquely makes moments sweeter. So, on this special day, embrace the joy of chocolate, indulge in its luscious flavors, and share the sweetness with those around you. Happy World Chocolate Day!  

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