Best Organizing Tips for the New Year

What is it about the beginning of a new year that makes you take a hard look at your surroundings? After the holidays, chances are you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and unorganized, so it’s time to turn that around. This month is the perfect opportunity to make changes that will have lasting positive effects. From physical organization, such as decluttering your living space or donating unwanted items to charity, to organizing your finances and taking time for mental health, there are many ways you can use this month to get yourself organized in all aspects of life. Today we’re answering some of the most popular questions about getting organized, and we’re sharing some of the best organizing tips to get you prepared for the new year.  So, let’s get started!

how to organize a closet efficiently
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How to Organize a Closet Efficiently

Organizing your closet efficiently involves making the best use of your space! Try using slim hangers to maximize space and arranging your clothes by category and color for easy access. Consider using storage bins or baskets for accessories. This approach will not only help keep your closet functional, but also aesthetically pleasing.

How to Organize a Closet on a Budget

Organize your closet on a budget by exploring DIY storage solutions, such as repurposing crates or using inexpensive storage bins. Before buying new items, declutter your wardrobe and donate or sell items you don’t need anymore.

Tips for Organizing a Small Space

When dealing with a small space, it’s important to prioritize functionality over anything else. For example, try using multi-functional furniture, such as sofa beds or storage ottomans. Then, maximize vertical space with shelves. Additionally, regular decluttering is essential, allowing you to keep only the items that serve a purpose or bring you joy.

Best Ways to Declutter and Organize my Home

Start the decluttering and organizing process by tackling one room at a time. Donate or discard items you no longer use or need and invest in storage solutions that meet your specific organizational needs.

How to Organize Paperwork at Home

Create an organized system for your paperwork by using file folders or binders for important documents. Consider going paperless when you can and establish a designated space for incoming mail to prevent paper clutter.

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Organizing Tips for the Kitchen

Keep your kitchen organized by grouping similar items together and using clear containers for pantry items. Label shelves and containers for easy identification, creating an efficient and visually appealing kitchen space. This approach can also be great if you’re looking for how to organize a pantry and meal planning. Before you head to the grocery, prepare a shopping list for planned meals throughout the week. By following these tips, you’ll not only have an organized pantry, but also efficient meal preparation.

Methods for Organizing a Garage

Transform your garage into a well-organized space by installing wall-mounted shelving for tools and using bins for sports equipment and seasonal items. You can also create specific areas for different purposes such as storage, workspace, and tools.

Ideas for Organizing a Home Office

Enhance the functionality of your home office by investing in a good desk organizer, keeping cables and cords tidy, and creating a systematic approach to sorting and filing papers. Why is this important? A well-organized workspace can help contribute to increased productivity.

How to Create a Daily or Weekly Organizing Schedule

Establishing a daily or weekly organizing schedule involves prioritizing tasks based on urgency. So, set aside dedicated time each day for organizing, and maintaining a consistent routine that suits your lifestyle. Remember, consistency is key!

Tips for Organizing Digital Files and Documents

Organize your digital files by creating folders with clear names and hierarchy. Make sure to regularly delete or archive outdated files and ensure that important files are backed up in the cloud or on an external drive. This can help with added security.

How to Organize a Bedroom for Maximum Space

A bedroom is a personal sanctuary for many people, which is why it’s important that we keep our bedrooms organized. Maximize space in your bedroom by using under-bed storage, allowing you to swap out your clothes between seasons. Consider a wardrobe for additional closet space and minimize furniture to essential pieces only. This approach can create a more open and airy atmosphere in your sleeping space.

Organizing Ideas for Kids’ Toys and Rooms

Simplify the task of organizing kids’ toys and rooms by using labeled bins for toy storage. You can also implement a rotation system for toys, and involve kids in the organization process to instill good habits.

Best Storage Solutions for a Small Apartment

In a small apartment, make the most of your space with vertical storage options, furniture with built-in storage, and foldable or collapsible furniture for flexibility. These solutions allow you to maintain a tidy living space without sacrificing functionality.

how to organize a move efficiently
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How to Organize a Move Efficiently

Organize a move efficiently by starting the packing process early and decluttering as you go. Label boxes with contents and destination rooms to streamline the unpacking process and keep essential items in a separate “first-night” box for immediate access.

Organizing Tips for a Productive Workspace

Keep a productive workspace by regularly decluttering your desk. Even better, arrange items based on frequency of use and personalize your space with elements that inspire creativity and focus.

Tips for Organizing a Bathroom

Maintain an organized bathroom by using drawer organizers for toiletries, installing shelves for towels and toiletries, and regularly decluttering expired or unused items. This creates a clean and functional space for daily routines.

How to Maintain an Organized Home

To keep an organized home, develop daily and weekly cleaning routines. Regularly declutter and reassess belongings, and involve the whole family in maintaining order. Consistency is key to a well-maintained living space.

Organizing Tips for Students or Study Spaces

Stay organized as a student by using color-coded folders for different subjects, creating a designated study area with minimal distractions, and keeping a planner to stay organized with assignments and deadlines. This can help with effective learning and set you up for academic success.

Ideas for Organizing Sentimental Items

Organize sentimental items by creating a memory box or scrapbook, digitizing photos and documents to save space, and displaying cherished items in a curated way. This can help preserve sentimental belongings and keep them celebrated in a thoughtful way.

Now that we’ve covered how to organize your space, let’s jump into some financial organizing tips!

Financial Organizing Tips 

First, let’s start with organizing tips for your finances. Financial worries can affect so many aspects of your life, so it’s no wonder why we think this should be a priority. Many people struggle with budgeting or having too much debt. So, here are some ways you can get your finances organized this month. 

Take Inventory of Your Accounts 

Take inventory of all bank accounts, credit cards, loans, investments, and other sources of income/expenses. Then review them monthly in order to stay on top of everything financially related. Tracking them in an excel spreadsheet or through a budgeting app can also be helpful. 

Pay Bills on Time 

Setting up automatic payments can be a game changer. See if it’s possible to set up these types of recurring payments for high price items like your mortgage or car loan. Keeping on top of these payments is vital, not only because they’re necessities, but missing a payment will more than likely have a negative impact on your credit. 

Organize Important Documents 

This is one of those “to-do” items that so many typically ignore until the very last minute. NOT THIS YEAR! Organize any documents related to taxes, such as receipts, 1099 forms, or W-2s. Having all these documents together in one place makes filing taxes much easier come April! 

how to create a budget
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Create A Budget 

Creating a budget is an important part of organizing your finances. Take time to review your income and expenses, then set up a plan that works best for you. This will help you avoid overspending. To create your own budget, check out this handy blog, Budgeting 101.

Physical Organizing Tips  

The start of a new year is the perfect time to take stock of your physical environment and make some changes. Begin by taking an inventory of everything you own, evaluating what needs to be thrown away and what can be donated or resold. Once you’ve sorted through your belongings, assign each item its own storage place so it’s easy to find when needed.  

For example, you might have clothes in your closet that don’t fit or are out of style. Donate them and make room for items you actually use. Maybe you have a guest bedroom full of junk. Take the time to sort through it and decide what can be thrown away, given away, or resold. 

Other than decluttering your home, there are other ways to organize your physical environment, including:

  • Home maintenance, such as cleaning out gutters and replacing air filters in your HVAC system. 
  • Cleaning out your garage or shed, especially if you need to store seasonal items. 
  • Creating organization systems for closets and drawers in your home. 
  • Organizing the contents of your pantry or refrigerator to make it easier to access. 
mental health organizing tips
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Mental Health Organizing Tips 

Lastly, don’t forget about self-care this January! Taking care of yourself mentally is just as important as organizing your physical and financial environments – if not more so! While many people turn to resolutions like eating better and exercising more, there are other ways you can take care of your mental health:

  • Schedule regular activities such as meditation or yoga classes into your weekly routine 
  • Practice mindfulness techniques during stressful times 
  • Learn relaxation methods such as deep breathing exercises 
  • Take care of yourself emotionally by reaching out for support whenever needed 
  • Create healthy eating habits, whether by meal prepping or cooking more meals at home 
  • Make sure you’re getting enough sleep every night (at least 7 hours!) 
  • Talk to a therapist or counselor if necessary

Let’s Get Organizing!

Following these tips and getting organized could help reduce stress levels throughout the year and could lead to better overall mental health in the long run.* 

Taking the time this January to organize financially, physically, and mentally may pay off down the road. Get rid of clutter at home and take care of yourself emotionally to help reduce stress levels throughout 2024. Start today by taking one small step towards organization. Soon enough, it’ll become habit-forming, which makes maintaining good organization practices much easier over time! 

High-interest loans can be expensive and should be used only for short-term financial needs, not long-term solutions. Customers with credit difficulties should seek credit counseling. The opinions expressed above are solely the author’s views and may or may not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the website or its affiliates. Cash Factory USA does not provide financial advice.

* This blog contains links to other third-party website that is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, or sponsored by Cash Factory USA. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user, or browser.

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