Ways to Celebrate Walk on Your Wild Side Day

Man walking in the mountains
Photo credit: Shutterstock

April is a fun month filled with random rainfall and summer-like nights as Spring is in full effect. To kick off the month, you may have played a fool or been made a fool on April Fool’s Day. Just when you thought the craziness was over, we’re jumping back into it. As we enter the middle of the month, “National Walk on Your Wild Side Day” presents itself, so we’re going to share some unique ways you can get involved. 

What is National Walk on Your Wild Side Day? 

April 12th marks a day of fun. National Walk on Your Wild Side Day encourage people to do something wild that other people may not expect you’d do. For some, this means jumping out of an airplane. For others, it may be expressing something that makes them feel vulnerable. 

Whatever the word “wild” or “unexpected” means to you, this day is meant to be filled with adventure and maybe even some risk. But, since we aren’t major adrenaline junkies or running a skydiving company, we tend to focus our actions on finances. And when it comes to money, taking out-of-control risks doesn’t feel like fun to us. So, how do you express yourself and live out your year’s grandest adventure without risking your wallet? We’re here to share some ideas on actions you can take. 

Walking on the Wild Side While Feeling Financially Stable 

If you’re looking to celebrate the day with an activity, you’re likely going to need some extra funds. To be prepared, let’s look at some responsible things you can do to free up some cash. 

Pay Down Debt

Debt can quickly become scary and seemingly uncontrollable. If you’re carrying debt, consider prioritizing paying it off or consolidating it. You can then use the money you earn to cover costs instead of interest on your debt. There are some methods to consider, such as  debt consolidation.

You could also take the avalanche debt-busting approach. To do so, locate your debt with the highest interest. For the rest of the debt, start or continue making your minimum payments. By doing so, whatever other funds you have can be allocated to paying off the entire amount on your highest interest debt. Then, keep going down the line until you break down all that debt as an avalanche does to a mountain. 

Get Everything in Working Order 

It could be the case that you’ve had a broken-down car for months or a broken appliance. You’ve been waiting for the right time to tackle the problem, but requires you to have extra cash at a time when funds may be tight. If this sounds like you, then you may consider taking out a payday loan or an installment loan.* Please keep in mind, these offerings are not intended to be for long-term use as they are considered high-interest loans.  

At the same time, they can provide you with the cash you need to take care of things you can’t put off any longer. These worries can constrict your ability to feel financially free or do something “wild” and unplanned. By getting these concerns off your plate, you may be able to create a smarter budget and use your money more wisely. Individuals experiencing significant credit or financial difficulties should seek credit counseling. 

Back to The Wild Things 

If you’ve paid down your debt and crossed the other constricting items off your list, it’s time to plan something fun. 

Here are some activities that can provide low-cost fun:

  • Dye your hair: Go to your nearest convenience store and buy a bottle of at-home dye to color your hair. 
  • Cook something new: Look up a new recipe, invite some friends over, and delight your taste buds with something different for dinner. 
  • Express yourself: Paint, draw, write, sew, or create something new in whatever medium you enjoy working with. 
  • Dress up: show up to work or run your errands in a superhero costume. People may look at you as crazy, but that’s what the day is all about. 
  • Explore: Get out into nature and explore a new trail. If you’re not one for the natural elements, go walk around and explore a new neighborhood. 

National Walk on Your Wild Side Day is all about not letting the thoughts and opinions of others stop you from doing whatever you want. These modes of expression may seem simple, but the concept behind them is a lesson worth learning and practicing. 

High-interest loans can be expensive and should be used only for short-term financial needs, not long-term solutions. Customers with credit difficulties should seek credit counseling. The opinions expressed above are solely the author’s views and may or may not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the website or its affiliates. Cash Factory USA does not provide financial advice. 

Image(s) or Footage (as applicable), used under license from Shutterstock.com. 

* This blog contains links to other third-party websites that are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, or sponsored by Cash Factory USA. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user, or browser.

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