Living on a tight budget can be tough if you don’t know where you can save more money! Luckily, Cash Factory USA has some of the top tips to help you save money while grocery shopping. Many households end up overspending on groceries each week because they don’t know how to take advantage of the best deals. Check out our top eight tips for grocery shopping on a tight budget today!
1. Loyalty Programs
We all have long-term money goals, so to save more money, explore the loyalty programs your local store wants to share with you. They want you to shop with them over any other store in your area, so they offer incentives to encourage you to shop with them first. You can save money grocery shopping through these loyalty programs because they’re free to join. You can join all the loyalty programs for the stores in your area, so no matter where you shop, you’re always getting a deal. Many stores even allow you to sign up as you check out. With just a phone number and email, you’re good to go!
2. Coupons
You’re probably familiar with the mailed coupon books or coupon section of the newspaper you see every day. Don’t throw those in the trash! Take some time out of your day to check out these coupon offers and clip the ones for items you need.
Typically, these coupon mailers also inform you about a store’s weekly or daily specials. These specials are often the same from week to week, so once you know that Monday is the day for 50% off chicken or that Tuesday gets you discounts on produce, you know exactly when and where to go to save money grocery shopping.
3. Don’t Buy More
When grocery shopping on a tight budget, it can be tempting to buy more to save more. Many stores offer two for $5 or three for $10 on specific items, but you don’t always have to buy all the items to enjoy the discount. Usually, the check out computer calculates the advertised price split by the number of items you do have in your cart. To take advantage of the deals, you may need to have the rewards card for that specific store.
4. The Outer Loop
Grocery stores are often organized in such a way that tempts you into entering the inner aisles to find what you need. What you don’t know is that those inner aisles mostly have junk food and luxuries that you don’t actually need when you’re struggling to save money grocery shopping. Stay on the outer loop to find only the things you absolutely must buy when grocery shopping on a tight budget. Milk, bread, meat, and fresh produce is all on the outer loop of your local chain, so stay on the outside and ignore the high priced groceries within!
5. Store Apps
Because nearly everyone has a cell phone these days, most grocery stores are jumping on the bandwagon and creating their own apps. These are usually free downloads that allow you to save coupons and keep track of cashback savings. You can scan coupons directly from your phone in case you forget your coupon book at home or didn’t have time to clip any from the paper.
Take a close look at discounted options on the apps and compare them to buying value packs to guarantee you’re getting the best price to save money grocery shopping.
6. Store Brands
Most stores offer their own take on the most popular products from food to feminine necessities. You can save over 25% on everything when you shop store brands instead of brand names! Do you really want to spend extra money because the packaging is prettier?
If you’re looking at products with complicated ingredient lists, compare the brand name to the store option and you’ll probably discover that these products are exactly the same! Buy store brand and take all that extra money you save grocery shopping and put it in your retirement account.
7. Fresh or Frozen
Comparing your options may take a little bit more time, but it is one of the best ways to save while grocery shopping on a tight budget. You need to compare more than just brands and value packs vs coupons, you also need to check the costs between fresh and frozen products. Sometimes frozen products aren’t as healthy but when you’re trying to save every last penny to lower your credit card bills, this is a sacrifice you might consider making.
Check out canned, frozen, and dried food for lower-priced options that also last much longer when properly stored.
8. Multi-Department Hunting
You might think that the only place you can find bread is in the bread department, but that’s not true! Many stores place single category items throughout the store. Whether it’s in the deli, gourmet section, or near the bakery, you should be scoping out every section to ensure you’re not missing out on deals that will save you money grocery shopping.
Save with Cash Factory USA
From side gigs to secondary part-time jobs, everyone is trying to make smart financial decisions. Take these tips under advisement on your next trip to the store to ensure you save more money grocery shopping than ever before!