Apply for a Cash Advance Loan Online

Need cash in a hurry? A cash advance loan may be just what you need during an emergency situation or unexpected event. When you apply for a cash advance loan with Cash Factory USA, you can be approved immediately, depending on your credit and state laws. In many cases, you can receive money the same day you apply.

Click here to apply now.

Products for All

Our products might be able to help you even if your credit isn’t perfect as our guidelines are different from traditional lenders. We strive to make sure we have loan products that can help you with different financial situations. At Cash Factory USA, we also have different loan amounts that may work for different situations.

Keep in mind there is no guarantee of approval. There are some specific situations where we are unable to approve applications.

Help for You

When you apply for a cash advance loan, we may also be able to help you with an installment loan, which has longer terms. Approval is based on factors like your credit, your income, and your expected ability to pay the loan back in a set amount of time. We’ll help you find a loan product that works best for you based on the information included in your application.

The application process is easy and you may receive approval immediately. We are government licensed and compliant so you can rest assured that your personal information is secure with us.

Want to learn more? Click here for more information and terms about lending in your state.